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How do you like them cherries?

Missouri Ramsey was a pretty interesting lady and went through a lot in her life.  First, she married Andrew J. Moore by whom she had Sherman.  After they divorced, she apparently married the love of her life, Stephen B. Ramsey.  They were married from 1901 until his death in 1916 and had 3 children together, Dovie (Betty), Floyd, and Edith.  After Steve's death, Missouri married a mail order groom from Ireland, Mr. John C. Patterson.  Patterson, however, didn't like her children, and in fact, her children Floyd and Edith aren't with her on the 1920 census (guess is that they are staying with her mother Ollie Jane). 

Probably in the late 1920s or early 1930s, Missouri moved up to Lockland, Ohio with her son Floyd.  Floyd met and married Ercel Hasty, also a Rockcastle native, in Cincinnati.  They lived on McWhorter street in Lockland, and had a landlady who was quite fond of the newlywed couple.  She had a cherry tree in the back yard of the house and told my grandmother, Ercel, that any time she or grandpa wanted some cherries, help themselves.  However, they were not to allow my great grandmother, Missouri, or her daughter Dovie to have any.  She wasn't as fond of them. 

Apparently the feeling was mutual, because upon hearing the land-lady's instructions, Missouri got so mad that she fixed up a bucket of lye water and poured it around the cherry tree - killing the cherry tree!  Guess that taught her!



John Crum was my 5th great grandfather on my mother's side and he lived an interesting life early on.  While researching his life, I found two separate county histories with biographies of two of his descendants in them - both telling the common tale that their grandfather Crum had been captured by Indians when he was a boy.  A few of the details differ, but the gist of the stories is that he was out looking for wild fruit (plums or grapes) and went up into a tree.  He was with his sister Rebecca.  And while up there, he dropped his hat.  The Indians came by, saw the hat and captured him.  He was around 9 or 12 years old at the time. 

John enjoyed the life with the Indians and an Indian couple adopted him.  He told the tale when he was a boy he and the other Indian children liked to steal the honeycombs and take bites from them.  John had buck teeth, so the impression that his teeth would leave in the beeswax would always give him away.  That is, until he learned to eat with his lower teeth.  With the smaller bite, the Indian children were the ones who would always get in trouble while John just enjoyed his sweets. 

The indians held him until 1795 when the Treaty of Greenville forced them to release him.  They sent him home, and he ran away back to the Indians, who sent him home once again.  This time, his family bought him a rifle hoping he would stay with them.  He took off again, but they found him in the woods a few days later, hunting.  His grandchildren said an Indian chief used to visit him every year for the rest of his life. 

I knew that John Crum was from Pennsylvania and looked for a couple of years in Pennsylvania records to see if I could find any verification of the story.  I found his father Peter who was scalped by Indians but could not find John.  Then, one day, i got on ancestry.com  and typed in his name.  Boom!  A hit!  Another county history with the same story - except, it didn't happen in Pennyslvania.  It happened in the suburbs of my hometown!  John Crum was captured at Dunlap station, Colerain Township, Ohio.  What a small world!

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