The information you will find in these pages is mostly documented. however, there could be mistakes.  Please let me know if you find something erroneous.

Some of it is copied and pasted from other websites. Where available, there has been attempt to give credit, but omissions may exist.  If you see something on this page that may have originated with your website and I haven't given credit, please contact me.  It may be that you were my source or we may have come to the same conclusions separately, but I'll be honest about where the data came from. Many have borrowed from me as well (including pictures for which I have the originals).  It's all part of the pursuit, I suppose.  But, I'll try to do right if I borrowed from you and didn't give credit.


Simon Peter Angel was no Angel.  Missouri Bryant Moore Ramsey Patterson Puckett had quite a temper!  And, John Crum learned how to fool the Indians with a piece of beeswax! 

These are just a few of the things I've learned about my own family as I have pursued a great love in my life - genealogy.  Like working a puzzle, I sought for years to find all of the pieces and to discover just where they all fit in.  I quickly realized that this will be a lifelong quest -- for at every turn is a brand new discovery, with each pursuit there is something new to find out about my family that I never knew.  What fun!  What excitement!  And, I thought I would share that excitement and fun with you.

I hope you find this site helpful in chasing down your own family roots.  Feel free to contact me if you have any questions.  You may write me at

Happy climbing!

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